Fort Campbell High School is part of the Fort Campbell Schools Community in the DoDEA Americas Southeast District. Fort Campbell HS serves students in grades 9-12. Read More

The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes public and private elementary, middle, and high schools where students perform at very high levels or where significant improvements are being made in students' academic achievement.

Founded in 1982, the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes public and private elementary, middle, and high schools where students perform at very high levels or where significant improvements are being made in students' academic achievement.

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National Blue Ribbon Schools
AP Honor Roll Silver Badge

The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools whose Advanced Placement programs are delivering results for students while broadening access to advanced coursework. Schools can earn this recognition annually based on criteria that reflect a commitment to increasing college-going culture, providing opportunities for students to earn college credit, and maximizing college readiness.

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AP Honor Roll - Silver
AP Honor Roll Bronze Badge

The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools whose Advanced Placement programs are delivering results for students while broadening access to advanced coursework. Schools can earn this recognition annually based on criteria that reflect a commitment to increasing college-going culture, providing opportunities for students to earn college credit, and maximizing college readiness.

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AP Honor Roll - Bronze

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From Around DoDEA

School Hours

School Hours Mon/Wed/Fri Hours Tues/Thurs Hours 2nd Tuesday of the Month
Office Hours 7:00 am - 3:30 pm 7:00 am - 3:30 pm 7:00 am - 3:30 pm
Students 7:25 am - 2:35 pm 7:25 am - 2:35 pm 7:25 am - 1:20 pm
Teachers 7:15 am - 2:45 pm 7:15 am - 3:45 pm 7:15 am - 3:45 pm

2nd Tuesday of each Month is an Early Release day

Cafeteria Hours Start End
Breakfast 7:05 am 7:20 am
Lunch Mon 11:05 am 12:20 pm
Lunch Tue-Fri 11:10 am 1:05 pm
Lunch 2nd Tues of each Month 10:05 am 11:55 pm

Arrival Dismissal Procedures

Arrival Procedures

  • Students may enter the building beginning at 7:05 a.m. and go to the cafeteria, gym or library.
  • The warning bell rings at 7:15 a.m. and students should be in classrooms when the tardy bell sounds at 7:25 a.m.
  • Students must check in at the front office if they arrive after this time.
  • The doors located at the bus entrance to the school will be secured after school begins.
  • Students must either provide a written excuse from the parent/guardian within two school days or the parent/guardian must physically sign the student in at the front office.
  • Teachers record a tardy when a student is late for any reason to class. The teacher determines if the student's tardy is excused or unexcused.
  • Students are prohibited from riding bikes across sidewalks on MCB Camp Lejeune.

Signing Out/In

  • Students are expected to be on time to school and to each class. Students who report late are required to sign in at the front office and are issued a pass to class.
  • Students who check out of school for any reason must present a note from their parent or guardian before classes begin. The note should include the time and reason for checking out, and if applicable, the expected return time.
  • Failure to sign-out will result in an unexcused absence.
  • Students who become ill during the day shall report to the nurse who will assist them with the check-out procedure if necessary..
  • Anytime a student is checked out, the student's absence is recorded for the period(s) missed.
  • Normally a student who does not attend a full day of school will not be allowed to participate in or attend any school-sponsored event scheduled that same day.
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