Chain of Command

DoDEA's official photo of Mr. Jaime Romero.

Mr. Jaime Romero

912 Carentan Road
Fort Campbell, KY 42223-5133
United States

Mr. Andrew M. Goldie is excited to join the Fort Campbell High School community as Assistant Principal.

Mr. Andrew Goldie

912 Carentan Road
Fort Campbell, KY 42223-5133
United States

Ms. Erin Crossan, Assistant Principal at Andre Lucas Elementary School

Ms. Erin Crossan

912 Carentan Road
Fort Campbell, KY 42223-5133
United States


School Contacts

Name Position Phone
Nereyda Alonso-Ramey Teacher World Languages 931-257-9200
Maritza Arroyo Teacher Social Studies 931-257-9200
Michael Ataceri Teacher CTE 931-257-9200
Athletic Director Athletic Director 931-257-9200
Attendance Attendance 931-257-9200
Nancy Beale School Psychologist 931-257-9200
Jarvis Brinson Teacher CTE 931-257-9200
Melissa Burch Teacher ELA 931-257-9200
Bambi Caldwell Teacher Math 931-257-9200
Rich Caldwell Teacher Science 931-257-9200
Allison Christman Teacher Math 931-257-9200
Tiara Cothran School Meals Program Cafeteria Manager 931-257-9200
Stacy Daniels School Counselor 931-257-9200
Hannah Dees Teacher LIMS 931-257-9200
Larry Dixon School Support Assistant 931-257-9200
Jennifer Drake Teacher SPED 931-257-9200
Reginald Edwards Teacher Math 931-257-9200
Diana Figueroa Teacher ELA 931-257-9200
Sonya Forbes Teacher Language Arts 931-257-9200
Renee Fort School Nurse/Health Aide 931-257-9200
Joshua Fry Teacher Music 931-257-9200
Amy Gammons Teacher ISS 931-257-9200
Bobbi Gee Administrative Officer 931-257-9200
Kirsten George Teacher DVHS 931-257-9200
Ludmila Gorodetskaia Teacher English Second Language 931-257-9200
Becky Grace Information Specialist 931-257-9200
Todd Hansen Teacher World Languages 931-257-9200
Dennis Henderson Teacher Social Studies 931-257-9200
Lindsay Hodges Teacher Science 931-257-9200
Sarah Housley Speech-Language Pathologist 931-257-9200
Shannon Howard Teacher Science 931-257-9200
Molly Hulien Teacher Science 931-257-9200
Eric Jacobs Teacher Language Arts 931-257-9200
Tavis Kennedy Teacher Science 931-257-9200
Mallory Kolmerten School Secretary 931-257-9200
Kesha Ladd Teacher Social Studies 931-257-9200
Matthew Landreth Teacher ELA 931-257-9200
Kevin Lehde Teacher Math 931-257-9200
Ralph Logan Teacher Social Studies 931-257-9200
Jack Maples Teacher Social Studies 931-257-9200
Eric Marhover Teacher JROTC 931-257-9200
Phillip McCarty Teacher Science 931-257-9200
Michelle McCullough Educational Technologist 931-257-9200
Angie McLean Teacher PE 931-257-9200
Sarah Meador Teacher CTE 931-527-9200
Brian Miller Teacher Mathematics 931-257-9200
Erika Milner Teacher Music 931-257-9200
Elizabeth Obringer Teacher SPED 931-257-9200
Leigh Ann Poole Teacher SPED 931-257-9200
Registrar Registrar 931-257-9200
Sharon Reyman Teacher Math 931-257-9200
Jeff Rodgers Teacher PE 931-257-9200
Cheyenne Schaefer Teacher ELA 931-257-9200
Anthony Shingler Teacher LIMM 931-257-9200
Andrea Simmons Teacher World Languages-Social Studies 931-257-9200
Greg Spence Teacher Science 931-257-9200
Amy Swederski Teacher SPED 931-257-9200
William Terry Teacher Spanish 931-257-9200
Wendy Thomas Teacher Language Arts 931-257-9200
Nelson Torres Teacher Drama 931-257-9200
Linnea Velsvaag Counselor (MS/HS) 931-257-9200
Lauren Wassmer Teacher Fine Arts 931-257-9200
Webmaster Webmaster 931-257-9200
Anabel Williams Teacher SPED 931-257-9200
Kristen Wilson Teacher Social Studies 931-257-9200

School Hours

School Hours Mon/Wed/Fri Hours Tues/Thurs Hours 2nd Tuesday of the Month
Office Hours 7:00 am - 3:30 pm 7:00 am - 3:30 pm 7:00 am - 3:30 pm
Students 7:25 am - 2:35 pm 7:25 am - 2:35 pm 7:25 am - 1:20 pm
Teachers 7:15 am - 2:45 pm 7:15 am - 3:45 pm 7:15 am - 3:45 pm

2nd Tuesday of each Month is an Early Release day

Cafeteria Hours Start End
Breakfast 7:05 am 7:20 am
Lunch Mon 11:05 am 12:20 pm
Lunch Tue-Fri 11:10 am 1:05 pm
Lunch 2nd Tues of each Month 10:05 am 11:55 pm

Arrival Dismissal Procedures

Arrival Procedures

  • Students may enter the building beginning at 7:05 a.m. and go to the cafeteria, gym or library.
  • The warning bell rings at 7:15 a.m. and students should be in classrooms when the tardy bell sounds at 7:25 a.m.
  • Students must check in at the front office if they arrive after this time.
  • The doors located at the bus entrance to the school will be secured after school begins.
  • Students must either provide a written excuse from the parent/guardian within two school days or the parent/guardian must physically sign the student in at the front office.
  • Teachers record a tardy when a student is late for any reason to class. The teacher determines if the student's tardy is excused or unexcused.
  • Students are prohibited from riding bikes across sidewalks on MCB Camp Lejeune.

Signing Out/In

  • Students are expected to be on time to school and to each class. Students who report late are required to sign in at the front office and are issued a pass to class.
  • Students who check out of school for any reason must present a note from their parent or guardian before classes begin. The note should include the time and reason for checking out, and if applicable, the expected return time.
  • Failure to sign-out will result in an unexcused absence.
  • Students who become ill during the day shall report to the nurse who will assist them with the check-out procedure if necessary..
  • Anytime a student is checked out, the student's absence is recorded for the period(s) missed.
  • Normally a student who does not attend a full day of school will not be allowed to participate in or attend any school-sponsored event scheduled that same day.
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